Orientation call

Moving to a new city for work?

We'll find the perfect home for you!

We're not just a relocation platform.

We help you find the perfect home for your lifestyle, where every new beginning turns into an extraordinary experience.

How does it work?

Our Angel, a multilingual personal assistant with an extensive familiarity with your new city, will showcase you up to 5 houses previously selected according to your search criteria. 



All the ideal parameters for your new home by entering your preferences into the dedicated dashboard. You can also add extra requests, such as a local SIM card with included data traffic.



Your Angel Tour by choosing a package for 1, 3, or 7-days. By making a reservation, you will pay the Booking Fee and pre-authorize the cost of the selected package. Discover more about the cost of the Angel Tour 



Your Angel Tour in the city. With your Angel, you will explore up to 5 solutions selected for you. Take this chance to ask anu questions you have about your new city.

Did you find your new home?


Your only remaining task is to sign the contract! The cost of the selected package, previously pre-authorized, will be charged.


Hey, take it easy. The cost of the selected package, previously pre-authorized, will not be charged.

Moreover, in order to enhance your comfort during your stay in the city, we have curated a package of supplementary services that you can arrange and reserve prior to your arrival.

The best accommodation for you even in a single day, book your Angel Tour for only € 89

you'll pay the Success Fee. if you find your ideal home!

How many days do you want to spend finding your new home?

    1 day

    Up to 5 apartments in 1 day, for those with clear preferences and limited time

    799€ Success Fee

    (only if you find your home!)

    3 days

    Up to 5 apartments in 3 days – this is the most popular option

    599€ Success Fee

    (only if you find your home!)

    7 days

    Up to 5 apartments in 7 days, for those who take their time to choose

    399€ Success Fee

    (only if you find your home!)

Introducing your Angel: a multilingual personal assistant who not only lives in and thoroughly understands you new city, but also has extensive experience addressing the needs of travelling professionlas like you.


Your Angel will showcase you up to 5 houses solutions according to your search criteria. For this service, we request a 89€ Booking Fee.


During the Angel Tour, your Angel will guide you through the selected houses, always ready to assist, resolve issues, and offer valuable insights for a smooth transition into your new environment.


We understand that the life of a travelling professional can be extremely hectic, with demanding schedules that leaves little room for managing every day details. 


That's why we want to ehance your stay in the city, allowing you to fully focus on the professional challanges ahead.


With this in mind, we introduce the CONCIERGE: to turn your home a sanctuary of comfort and tranquillity, where you can leave the ordinary behind and breath life into your dreams.


Everything you need, 24/7. Exclusive services dedicated to our clients. 

Sign up on Dotstay and start telling us about your ideal home.